
If you don’t know you don’t know. But you can know. You can know more, you can know differently, you can know beyond intellectual capabilities. You can know. To know is a feeling. It’s what comes before the thoughts, its an inner truth, a compass that can lead us to where we are going. Awareness comes from this knowing. It’s the noticing of this feeling and the contemplation of our actions and thoughts and world. Questioning everything. Questioning doesn’t have to come from a defensive or suspicious place. It comes from curiosity and the desire to live this knowing.

So what do we know? Let me tell you a few things and see how they sit with you.. where they land and if they spark an inner knowing.

You are not your thoughts. You are the watcher behind the thoughts.

You are not your body. You are the soul within this human suit.

You are a reflection of everything you see around you. Everything you are experiencing is the lesson you need right now.

This may all be too deep for you and that’s okay. This might go right over your head. This might land, hard. Or it might just be something to ponder on and bring into your awareness. For now, question. Who are you? What are the lessons or experiences life is presenting you with right now?

I’d love to hear your comments and where you are at on your awareness journey.

Chelsea x


Let’s get aware!


Thought for thought