Thought for thought

Thought for thought

July 24, 2019

How's your thoughts? How did you go noticing them over the last week? Could you sit back and watch them waffle on? It's scary to think what our mind does when it is not being supervised. That's where you come in. Can you supervise (watch/witness/observe) your thoughts with the awareness that they are simply thoughts? Thoughts are just sentences that our mind is producing as we continue doing the same things, ending up in the same situations, feeling the same way. T h e y a r e j u s t t h o u g h t s . When you were able to notice your thoughts, what did you see? Was there a theme? Did you like it? I asked more questions on this last time and I hope you were able to get really curious as you had the front row seat to that mind of yours.

Here's the thing. You can change a thought. You can change your mind. And if it's our thoughts that create our reality than what are you doing still thinking the same old negative things? Let's go!

How do I choose new thoughts? The next part of the process, after becoming aware that you have thoughts, is actually wanting to change them. Can you see the value it will have on your life? Do you know that it is a game changer? Choosing more positive, valuable thoughts comes with the letting go of what is not serving you. It doesn't mean we push the thought away (and in turn just push it down), we instead allow it to be there. We thank it (yes, say thanks to your thoughts) and we let it go. By acknowledging that it is there, we become grateful that it once served us and we then c h o o s e a better thought moving forward. For example, every time we go to the shops we may have the thought 'I hate coming here, I always run into someone I know and I hate small talk. I always end up making a fool of myself or come off as rude.' Is this thought serving us? Is it even true, or have we just told ourselves it for so long it has become normal to hear. If the fact is that we are at the shops, there is a high chance of seeing someone we know and we would like to not come off as rude, or a fool, is thinking these things helping the situation? It's not, because before we even run into this person we have set ourselves up to fail (or we don't run into anyone an we have produced an anxious thought for no reason). Our mind has told us that we are not good at small talk, that we hate seeing people and that we don't come off how we would like to. Instead, we could say to ourselves 'Going to the shops gives me an opportunity to practise small talk and deal with situations that are out of my comfort zone'. Eventually, we will be able to say 'I look forward to running into people at the shops'. Do you see how we can set ourselves up for positive situations, instead of focusing on what has happened in the past.

Consciously choose your thoughts based on how you would like the result to be. Awareness, acceptance, choice. Your mind is your most powerful tool, supervise it well.

I'm here to work with you on this, to discuss the mind further or help you in any way I can.

Until next time, peace!

Chelsea Lea Co.




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