Getting your zig zag straight!

To have alignment is to have an arrangement in “correct, relative positions”..

For me, alignment is getting your zig zag (life) straight. It’s finding a balance, a flow and creating a feeling of ease (straight line) even if everything around you isn’t necessarily easy (zig zag).

This month we are talking about values.. which has really got me looking at my own values and then what Brene Brown refers to as our action values. Shit. Where am I? Where do I want to be? Or, what am I doing, what do I want to be doing? Awareness. Acknowledgment. Action.

Let’s start with awareness. It’s not always easy to face where we are at or the habits we have created. We often sit in denial and avoid the situation altogether. But, acknowledgement is freedom and with freedom comes the power to choose our next step- taking action.

When I began to look at where I was at.. I could see many things that did not align with who and what I value.. which asks the question, What do I value and why am I not living from this place?

We often fall into the trap of people pleasing, or doing what we think we “should” be doing.. life seems to just “get in the way”.. but when we can bring our awareness back to ourselves and our part in it all, we can start to make choices from a conscious place. This means saying no. This means slowing down. This means admitting our mistakes. This means choosing again, and again, and again. It means being honest, with ourselves and others. It’s getting clear.

So, getting clear on what you value. You. Not anybody else. It can be an undoing, but so rewarding.

There’s so much you can value.. values are the simplest feel good, ‘I just know’ things.. values are what are important to YOU in the way you live your life. It’s the place you live from, your foundation, the driving force in your life and your connections. It’s how you spend your time, your money, how you treat people, the food you eat… it will look different for everyone. What are your values?

And then investigate to acknowledge.. where is there a gap? Where are you not coming from this place? Where has life (or you) got in the way? Place your values in your backpack on your straight line and keep them with you- they’re yours, they’re you. Remember them, be them.

When you can align your values with what you are doing.. you are living true to your values. Walkin’ the straight line. This is alignment.

Peace x


All over the mind shop


Let’s get aware!