All over the mind shop

To be all over the shop is to be spread across all different places.. but really when we’re all over the shop, we are actually in the same place- the mind. It’s being in all different places within the mind, it’s when we are not focused.

That’s how I’ve been feeling these past few days.. on constant “what should I google and achieve” mode, going from one thing to the next, avoiding this moment completely. Why am I avoiding this moment? Because my mind doesn’t see the worth here. The human mind cannot comprehend the present moment, so it does what it does best through its memory and imagination.. it opens up all of its shops and lets us go crazy inside.

I’ve been letting my mind use me.. giving it my power. Up until now. Now I know better, now I make a conscious choice to use my mind before it uses me. I close down shop and bring my attention to my breath, my body, my surroundings. Exhale, peace.

Fuck, its so simple. So simple we miss it. Seriously, we live in our fucking heads. Live. Aka, miss out on life. We miss out on everything that is actually happening, the magic, the joy, the bliss. All because our mind tricks us into believing we need to do more, achieve more, look outside of ourselves to feel good. It’s a tail chase. It doesn’t end. Until we stop. Run into ourselves. Just be.

Our mind will never accept that we are enough, just here, right now, doing nothing. But we are. We were born worthy. We are worthy because we are alive. That’s it. When we can transcend our humanness we become the lotus flower floating on murky water- a spiritual being having a human experience.

So what can you do when you are feeling frazzled, anxious, all over the shop?

S t o p.

Listen. Feel. Be.

It always comes back to simplicity. Just you and this moment. You always have right now to return to.

Step into the shop, you run it. Own it!


Mirror mirror on the wall


Getting your zig zag straight!