I want what I’ve got

WORDS. Your words mean so much. What you say, what you tell yourself, what you ask for, what you believe. What you have, is a direct result of what you have asked for. What you have is what you want. Because you chose this. You always have a choice and I know it’s so hard to hear this. It hurts. It’s not fair. It can’t be true.. but freedom my dear is on the other side of owning that I always have a choice. Because if you always have a choice, then you are free.

4 years ago, my hubby spent the weekend in Broadbeach while I stayed with friends in Palm Beach. We both fell in love. We both wanted it. Like the seeds in a garden, invisible to the naked eye but rooted into the earth to bloom and grow, so were the seeds of our desires. Conversations, visions and aware action has led us to this moment. In 5 days we move up to start our life on the Gold Coast. Movement towards our desired results. This year alone I’ve learnt to skate and surf, because I want to, so I stopped buying into the stories that I couldn’t, that it was too hard or I wasn’t cool or tanned enough or didn’t have the time. I just did it. Just like we are moving away and choosing again and again to do the things we want to do.

I’m not telling you to be all, hey look at me.. I’m telling you this for you to look at you. What do you want? Chase it. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 1 year? Write it down and backtrack and create this life that you desire. It’s that easy. It’s so possible. You just have to believe that whatever you want can be yours.

It’s no different to getting the best car park or someone calling you just as you were thinking about them. The mind is SO powerful, our energy is so magnetic.

If this is calling you but you’re still not sure how, or you need a gentle kick up the rear end, please reach out. I’d love to support you in your dreams coming true.


Awareness Counselling


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