Mirror mirror on the wall

We often seek out a mirror to look at our reflection. We want to know how we look, if we need to fix or change anything. The mirror gives us feedback. The mirror does not lie, because the mirror just is. We trust it. If we don’t like what we see, we don’t blame the mirror or break the mirror. We fix ourselves. We eat better, get a facial, get some sleep.. or accept ourselves as we are.

How about what’s on the inside though? Life is a series of mirrors reflected back to us. We can see our biggest fears and deepest values wherever we look. When we begin to see life for what it is, we will see our reflection everywhere. Mirrors of life.

The universal Law of Reflection states that each mirror is capturing and reflecting a specific aspect of you. Our reaction to life and people is our feedback of what is happening inside of us. The good or positive we see, is the good within us. The negative reactions or triggers we experience is a lesson to change a limiting belief we hold. The change is within us, not the other person. When we change our perception, that person changes naturally. It’s the law.

The concept of mirroring is that how you see things inwardly, reflects outwardly. Your reality is just a perception of your inner self.

If we are annoyed with someone being lazy, we can dig deep within and see the part of us that is lazy, or the part of us that doesn’t see the value of rest and relaxation and therefore holding a negative story about what ‘laziness’ is.

If we are in awe of someone’s generosity, we can go within and see our own generosity. Or we could see how we value being more generous. Not just with money, but with time, presence, love.

If we are triggered by someone’s lateness, we can dig deep within and see the pressure we put on ourselves to be on time and realise it is not serving us. We can see the story we hold around being late. We could see our own lateness to ourselves or others. It’s about going deeper until we find it, accept it or let it go.

Our mirrors aren’t about being right or wrong, they’re about unraveling what is deep within us in order for us to feel peace. When we become at peace with ourselves, nothing bothers us. We can see the world for what it is. Life as a mirror. People as people.

When a problem arises, you can ask yourself-
Why is this mirror put in front of me?
What is my belief around this problem?
What am I not owning?
What do I need to let go of?
What am I not accepting within myself?

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

As within, so without.


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