In the Beginning

May 7, 2019

My very first blog. Where to start? At the beginning..

1991 saw an easy 4 hour labour for my Mum. I came 4 weeks early, with a little brother 4 years later. The photo above was on my 4 month stint through South America and I met my now husband 4 weeks after spontaneously coming home. We got married in the 4th month of the year and it took me 4 years to see the life coach that changed my life. Would you say the number 4 is a theme in my life? My world right now is wide open to the zest of life and the significance in every experience. I see things differently, I feel different. I am connected to me, to the source, to life and the constant moving energy that surrounds us. I recently discovered through a kinesiologist the significance of the number 4 in my life. Have you ever stopped to discover these kind of things? Life is magical and there is hidden gems in everything!

Your beginning is in every moment. Not tomorrow or next year, not the Monday that never comes. It starts now. Right now is where you are, where you always are. Are you giving your life the significance it deserves? Are you living this moment how you envision your life to be?

Change is easy. Change is fun. It's only change. What a freaking amazing mantra.

I t i s o n l y c h a n g e .

The same way I explain reiki to my clients- everything is energy. Like the ocean, we ebb and we flow. We ebb to flow. We change to grow so we can grow and flow. Are you keeping up?

The thing I've learnt the most that comes hand in hand with change, is acceptance. The acceptance of what is. The acceptance of this moment for what it is. The complete acceptance of everything in this moment, so that we can f l o w with clarity and calm into the C H A N G E that is necessary for how we wish things to be.

Everything is possible. I heard on a Joe Rogan podcast recently, spoken by a physicist, that if we can imagine something, then it is possible that it exists. How crazy is that? Or is it crazy that we are still not utilising the brilliance of life and the laws of the universe. The law of attraction, the law of pure potentiality, the law of cause and effect, the law of giving and receiving. You can't argue with the law. Have you ever intended on something and you received it? A car park? A phone call? Have you ever thought about someone you hadn't seen in years, then run into them the next day? The universe works in miraculous, magical ways. But you must remember: what you think is what you get. What you put in is what you get out. If you think 'I am wonderful and creative' then you will be that. You will create the vibrations to D O the things that make you wonderful and creative. If you think 'I am tired, poor, boring' then you are going to be those things through your low vibrations and lack of motivation. Think. Do. Be. And if you are truly feeling stuck, just be. Sit in this moment and take time, space, nothingness, stillness and acceptance into this moment. In this moment is just you and your true essence- love. All of your fears and worries and negativity diminishes when you become still and present. Take some breaths. It is in this space where you can positively reflect on what is serving you and what you know needs to change. Take small steps today towards a bigger, better, more vibrant YOU!

What are some things you can do? These things serve as beautiful replacements to things that aren't serving you. Instead of reaching for the junk food, alcohol, drugs etc, go to your list. Be mindful. Being mindful in everything that you do creates an awareness so strong that you cannot not strive to be the best version of you.

My go to's:

+Meditation- guided meditation is a great place to start, 1 Giant Mind is an amazing free app that guides you on a 12 step course before giving you other meditation options. There are millions of free apps and resources online.

+Breathing- if in doubt, breathe. Just breathe. 6 long deep breaths, 6 inhales and exhales to bring you back to right here, now.

+Yoga- for me its about finding the right teacher and practice for you. Yoga twice a week for me is a non-negotiable and the best self care for me.

+Stretching- M O V E. Stretch that body, you can do this anywhere and anytime.

+Reading- reading the right books is imperative to your growth. There are so many out there. If you are stuck, I love Melissa Ambrosini's 'books that have changed my life', she lists all the goodies!

+Writing- whether its a few words on a page or some notes on my phone, things always feel and sound different when you write them. Having a journal is something I would love everyone to have. We need to get things out, writing is such a beautiful process.

+Moving- whether its going for a walk/stroll/run, going to the gym or taking the kids to the park, moving is the best thing for you and your mind and it feels good.

+Sunshine- Vitamin D, warmth, fresh air. Need I say more?

+Connection- catch ups with friends or family, or going out and about by yourself, connecting with loved ones (and yourself) is a beautiful way of regrouping, sharing and feeling the love.

+Bath- Epsom salts, essential oils, silence or soulful music, get that magnesium into you and take self care to the most relaxing, nurturing level. Yes!

+Earthing- take your shoes on and stand on mother nature. Go to the beach, find some luscious grass, look at the trees, the stars, the moon. Connect with the earth and feel grounded.

+Laughing- smile, laugh, don't take life too seriously and find yourself letting go and those layers peeling away as you see the h u m o u r in everything. Life is hilarious if you choose to see it that way.

+Affirmations- there is nothing more powerful then telling yourself I love you- and meaning it. Think, do, be.

+Self massage- relieve tension and release tight fascia while showing yourself some self love. I love to massage my body in coconut oil after I shower, using whatever essential oil I am drawn to.

+Diffuse or Smell oils- essential oils are a beautiful way to anchor into how you want to feel and to retrain the brain. If I want to feel grounded, I am going to grab my Patchouli or Balance oil and have a whiff, all the while taking space and standing in stillness while I reconnect.

Ohhh, I feel so good writing those things. So many magical ways to reconnect with you and now.

I wasn't sure what I was writing about when I begun this post and I suppose it became about where I b e g i n my day or how I re-begin moments. I have so much to give and I cannot wait to connect with YOU.

Love and high vibe life,

Chelsea Lea Co.


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